The loop you choose in Cinemagraph Pro for macOS and iOS determines which areas of your cinemagraph are in motion. There are two types of loops available: bounce and repeat. Use the loop type that looks most natural or creates the effect you are looking for.
A bounce loop will bounce the motion in your cinemagraph back and forth. Bounce loops are best suited for cinemagraphs featuring motion that travels back and forth. Some examples include: trees, hair, garments and body movements.
A repeat loop will repeat the motion in your cinemagraph from the beginning to end. Repeat loops are best suited for cinemagraphs featuring motion that travels in a single direction. Some examples include: water, flames, transportation and smoke.
If you use a repeat loop, you will be able to adjust the crossfade to determine determine the type of transition between the end and beginning of your cinemagraph. Use the slider to increase the crossfade for a gradual transition, or decrease the crossfade for a sudden transition.
Cinemagraph Pro for macOS
Cinemagraph Pro for iOS
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