Blendeo for iOS is an advanced long exposure photo and video editor. Create beautiful long exposures your audience will love by adjusting the exposure time and timeline range in Blendeo. In this guide, you will learn:
- How to navigate Blendeo for iOS
- How to create long exposure photos and videos
Navigating Blendeo
Navigation Bar (left to right): Learn, Capture, Documents
The best way to get started with Blendeo is by going through the articles under the Learn tab and experimenting with the documents used in the Exposure Time, Motion Blur, Light Trails, and Cinemagraph tutorials. The home screen is also where you will go to sign in to your account and browse support resources.
If you don’t have existing footage, you can record up to 5 minutes of video for your long exposure under the Capture tab. You can preview your long exposure in real-time using motion blur and lights trails blending modes and change the frame rate, white balance, and aspect ratio.
Go to the Documents tab to create a new document, open previous documents, and select documents to delete or duplicate.
Step-by-Step Guide
Whether you use new or repurposed footage, perfectly still video is the key to a successful long exposure. Learn more.
Record for up to 5 minutes under the Capture tab or select Create Document under the Documents tab to import a video from your Photo Library or Files.
Choose Photo or Video depending on which format you want your long exposure to be. If you select Photo, you will be able to drag the marker on the timeline to select an image from your video. If you select Video, you will be able to drag the trimmer handles on the timeline to select the content and adjust the playback speed.
Increase the exposure time to blur or streak the moving elements in your long exposure and choose a blending mode: Motion Blur or Light Trails. You will be able to change the format and blending mode while editing to experiment with different effects.
Motion Blur will soften water and clouds, make cars look as though they’re speeding by, create ghostly shadows of people walking, and make transient objects completely disappear with an exposure time of minutes. Light Trails will produce mesmerizing star trails in the sky along with streaks of light from moving cars, fireworks and more.
When you're happy with your long exposure, tap on the share icon to export, send to Cinemagraph Pro (to create long exposure cinemagraphs), or share the document with another iOS device. Available formats include:
- Photo Export: HEIC, JPEG, PNG, TIFF
- Video Export: H.264, HEVC, Live Photo, GIF
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