The most common reasons for a 404 error on are:
- your uploaded cinemagraph has not finished processing
- you cannot share private cinemagraphs
When you upload a cinemagraph to, it will take a few minutes to process before it's available on Factors that contribute to processing times include the cinemagraph's size and the quality of your internet connection.To resolve the issue, simply wait for the cinemagraph to finish processing or contact us if it's taking unusually long.
Private cinemagraphs cannot be shared by URL or using the embed code. If you want to share your cinemagraph(s) with others using the URL or embed code, your privacy setting must be public or shareable.
If your cinemagraph is set to PUBLIC:
- it can be shared in Flixel galleries and social networks
- it can be shared using the embed code (unless hidden) and URL
- viewers can see it on your public profile
If your cinemagraph is set to SHAREABLE:
- it will not appear in Flixel galleries and social networks
- it can be shared using the embed code (unless hidden) and URL
- viewers will not see it on your public profile
To resolve the issue, go to your profile and select the cinemagraph you want to change the settings for. Click Edit, select Public or Shareable, and save your changes.
Contact us for assistance if you continue seeing a 404 error on after troubleshooting.
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